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From China to Colombia, 5 Cities That Made Their Streets Safer With Urban Design





In 2015, the world community pledged to decrease half the number of deaths and grave injuries caused by traffic accidents by 2020. However, more than 3,200 deaths caused by collisions occur every day, and with the growing number of vehicles, that number can triple by 2030.
As is expected, cities with poorly designed streets have the highest rates of injuries and deaths. In fact, 90% of these collusion-related deaths happen in low to middle-income countries, and these incidents have serious consequences. Economic productivity decreases and the quality of life suffers.
Luckily, we are witnessing a global movement in the rethinking of street design. The idea of making urban spaces safer used to be limited to European cities, such as Amsterdam or Copenhagen, places where good urban design has been practiced for over 40 years. Today, improvements have been felt everywhere. We selected five cities in Brazil, China, Colombia, and India that are changing the way people navigate urban spaces. Each has implemented innovative design interventions based on the Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety.

Before and after of Joel Carlos Borges Street. Image: Daniel Hunter and Pedro Mascaro/WRI Brasil


Joel Carlos Borges街道将Berrini火车站与城市金融中心联系在一起,每天有成千上万的人群从这里经过。在2017年9月之前,狭窄的街道已经无法满足日益增长的行人数量(在高峰时间,平均每辆车的周围都会环绕有22.5人次)。




Sao Paulo
Joel Carlos Borges Street connects the Berrini train station to the city’s financial center. Thousands of people pass through the station every day. Before September 2017, the street had narrow sidewalks that couldn’t safely accommodate the heavy flux of pedestrians (around 22.5 people per every vehicle during rush hour).
As the street is the main pathway to the station, it creates a high level of risk for pedestrians. The city decided to redesign the street to include more space for pedestrians, better signalization, reduce speed limits, add urban furniture, and green infrastructure. Now the sidewalks are over 3.5 meters wide, offering ample space for pedestrian traffic.
Widening narrow sidewalks and narrowing the traffic lanes reduces speed and creates a safe and pleasant experience for all. This new and improved design for “complete streets” not only provides a blueprint for safer streets but also reminds drivers that pedestrian safety is crucial and must be their first concern when driving.
This was the first temporary intervention in São Paulo and was well received by the public. The city is now considering similar enterprises in other places.

Before and after of Cidade 2000. Images: Rodrigo Capote/WRI Brasil


Cidade 2000在白天是居住区,而到了晚上则充满了活力,同时这里的行人数量也较多,但是街道上仍然有着大量的车辆,因此行人和骑行者都有着一定的隐藏危机。

为了改善此类现象,福塔莱萨市政府在2017年公布了“和谐交通区域”的项目,设计师将1200平方米的停车与车道改造为具有功能性的市民广场。2017年,在当地社区进行了第一次改造,项目名为“Cidade da Gente”,意思是“大众城市”,工人们将一条车道拆除,并且最高时速降低至30公里,同时将人行道、路缘拓宽,增加了人行通道,另外,改造还包括增加了街道小品、绿色空间,以及明确的标识系统。


Cidade 2000 is a residential neighborhood during the day and a vibrant zone at night. Despite the high number of pedestrians, the street was dominated by vehicles, leaving pedestrians and cyclists vulnerable.
To improve the safety of pedestrians and cyclists, the city of Fortaleza announced a “Calm Traffic Area” in 2017, transforming 1,200 square meters that were designated for parking and traffic lanes into a functional pedestrian square. In 2017, the neighborhood received its first temporary transformation, called “Cidade da Gente” (City for People). It included the removal of a traffic lane, a speed reduction to 30 km/h, sidewalk widening, curb extensions, and five new pedestrian crossings. The transformation also included street art, green infrastructure, and street furniture to clearly designate pedestrian space.
The project showed residents how tactile urbanism can bring life back to degraded streets. Due to the positive feedback, the temporary intervention is becoming permanent. The mayor has also announced similar low-cost interventions in other areas.

Intersection in Nagpada. Image: WRI India






The Nagpada intersection is chaotic and challenging for all its users, motorized or not, as are many others intersections in Mumbai.
The triangular junction connects six main roads and serves many school districts. However, it hosts 3,000 vehicles during rush hour, resulting in heavy traffic. Pedestrians had little to no space, and what existed for sidewalks was degraded. These factors created an inefficient, dangerous, and confusing intersection. Accident data showed that Nagpada was responsible for a third of all traffic deaths in Mumbai.
In August of 2017, the triangular geometry was temporarily changed to channel the traffic and allow for safer new paths for pedestrians. The crossing distances were reduced and new crossings were made on all sides. The project has also redesignated ground from illegal parking into a square. The chaotic intersection has become a place for new encounters. The new arrangement has also made managing the intersection easier for the traffic police of Mumbai.
Nagpada’s success convinced the city to commit to a permanent change.

Intersection at Carrera 80 with Calle 43 Sur. Images by Carsten Wass, José Segundo López/WRI



在2013年至2017年间,单Carrera 80和Calle 43 Sur两个交叉口所发生的交通事故就高达61起,其中造成了1人死亡。由于信号体系的缺乏,这里的行人和骑行者常常处于危险之中,而不良的道路规划也使得行人与车辆流线形成冲突,这为行人带来了巨大的安全隐患。


Bogotá's Kennedy district is well known for its heavy pedestrian and cycling traffic. For many residents who live on the outskirts of the city, cycling is usually the most convenient transportation method to go to and from work, school, and home.
Between 2013 and 2017, 61 traffic accidents and one death were registered at the intersection of Carrera 80 and Calle 43 Sur. Pedestrians and cyclists were in danger due to the lack of signalization, access ramps, and traffic lights to ensure safe crossings. The poor design also directed cyclists to ride opposite of oncoming traffic which resulted in conflicts with pedestrians.
To ensure safer conditions for all, the city redesigned the intersection in January of 2018. The renovation included reducing lanes, adding cycling lanes, pedestrian crossings, better access ramp, and pedestrian traffic lights. It resulted in a safer route for cyclists and an improved safety for pedestrians.

Zhengtong Street. Image: WRI China








Nikita Luke是可持续城市WRI Ross中心的健康与道路安全研究助理。

Ben Welle是可持续城市WRI Ross中心的健康与道路全球经理人。

新闻来源:TheCityFix Brasil

Zhengtong Street connects the commercial district of Yangpu to a high school and the Fudan University campus in Shanghai. The 15-20 meter wide street serves a heavy influx of pedestrians with a mid-range amount of traffic.
Zhengtong didn't have a pedestrian or cycling infrastructure, hindering the uses of both. Another concern was the crosswalk in front of the school that endangered pedestrians.
To promote a safer environment, the Yangpu District implemented separated bike lanes and improved sidewalks. They also narrowed the road (which facilitated crossings), added reflective materials to solar panelled stop signs, and street signalization.
The transformation was well received by district workers, local cyclists, and students. Zhentong Street now serves as an example of road safety for other Shanghai districts.
While urban streets are fundamental public spaces, they are also one of the most neglected. What was before a privilege for high-income economies, is now becoming a necessity for countries throughout the world.   

About the authors:
Nikita Luke is a Research Assistant for Health and Road Safety at WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities.
Ben Welle is a Global Manager for Health and Road Safety at WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities.
Via TheCityFix Brasil.




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