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On April 26, the fifth edition of Concéntrico, the Logroño International Festival of Architecture and Design, will be inaugurated, which can be visited until May 1. Logroño will host 16 urban installations and performances, 5 exhibitions and 32 activities during the festival.
Concéntrico is the International Festival of Architecture and Design of Logroño, open to all citizens and visitors, which invites you to discover and rediscover the places of interest in the Historical Centre of the city. An annual event that invites us to rethink our environment through installations, exhibitions, meetings, performances, workshops and activities. More than 100 architects, designers and artists are taking part in this edition, and 48 regional, national and international institutions, entities and companies are collaborating.


Nolla by Robin Falck. Courtyard of the Official College of Architects of La Rioja. Concéntrico 05. Photograph courtesy of Concéntrico



Señales 1.0. by Tools for Action. Night performance in the city. Concéntrico 05. Photograph courtesy of Concéntrico

本次活动的新奇之处,是Concéntrico与法国鲁昂大都会博物馆、博物馆组织的纪念艺术双年展La Forêt Monumentale,共同策划了2019年9月鲁昂市的一场“La Forêt Monumentale”活动。

As a novelty in this edition, Concéntrico establishes a collaboration with the Métropole de Rouen Normandie (France) and the monumental art biennial organized by it, La Forêt Monumentale, to curate an urban intervention in the city of Rouen in September 2019.




La Forêt Monumentale

在本次Concéntrico设计节中,主办方在原有的名胜景点基础上,还引入了新空间,一方面促使人们去发掘新的城市类型学,另一方面也适应着不断变化的城市环境。本次活动涵盖了老塔Tabacalera的烟囱、Ebro河及其贯穿城市北部的线状公园、San Bartolomé教堂塔楼下的庭院,还有El Espolón的几个停车位,这些空间一直是舆论的焦点。




受邀建筑与设计团队包括:来自巴黎的Benedetto Bufalino、来自柏林的Tools for action、来自圣塞巴斯蒂安的Vaumm、来自波尔图的FAHR 021.3、来自埃因霍温的Lucas Muñoz Muñoz、来自布拉格的Martin Kloda /HanaProcházková、来自赫尔辛基的Robin Falck、来自米兰与布鲁塞尔的Parasite 2.0、来自马德里的Alfredo Baladrón、来自拉里奥哈的Knitknot architecture、来自华沙的SZCZ Jakub Szczesny、来自伦敦的EBBA architects、来自马德里的Juan Llamazares与Gadea Burgaz / Pablo Losa、还有来自鲁昂的L'Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Normandie、与来自拉里奥哈的Escuela Superior de Diseño



In Concéntrico 05, the festival broadens the focus of interest, introducing new spaces that seek to investigate new typologies and respond to changing urban environments. Concéntrico 05 incorporates the Chimney of the old Tabacalera, the Ebro river and its linear park that articulates the northern part of the city, a courtyard under the tower of the Church of San Bartolomé, and several parking spaces of El Espolón, always in debate in the current context.

1.Urban installations and performance
In this fifth edition, the festival proposes 16 installations and performances by architecture and design teams from different countries such as Germany, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, France, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Belgium, Finland and Spain. Teams are invited to transform the city through interventions that modify the perception and experience of the locations. It also has three facilities chosen by contest.
Each installation is created by teams of architects and/or designers who propose, experiment and explore new areas of environmental design. In this way, a dialogue is established between heritage and contemporary architecture that seeks to activate citizens' thoughts on the spaces.
Benedetto Bufalino, Paris - Tools for action, Berlin - Vaumm, San Sebastián - FAHR 021.3, Oporto - Lucas Muñoz Muñoz, Eindhoven - Martin Kloda / Hana Procházková, Praga - Robin Falck, Helsinki - Parasite 2.0, Milan / Brussels - Alfredo Baladrón, Madrid - Knitknot architecture, La Rioja - SZCZ Jakub Szczesny, Warsaw - EBBA architects, London - Juan Llamazares, Madrid - Gadea Burgaz / Pablo Losa, Madrid - L'Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Normandie, Rouen - Escuela Superior de Diseño, La Rioja.

2.Exhibitions and activities
The programme of Concéntrico 05 is completed with exhibitions, projections and conversations on design and architecture, which deepen the international context of the festival.



Reflection Pavilion

-《Reflection Pavilion》,安置在密斯·凡·德罗基金会帕贝隆装置上的物件;

2.1 Exhibitions
- Reflection Pavilion, on the installations that have been made in the Mies van der Rohe Foundation's Pabelllón;

I'm Plastic Design

-《I'm Plastic Design》,一个旨在让人们多元化地去思考塑料制品理念的展览;

- 《I'm Plastic Design》, a plural exhibition of ideas that aims to make people think about plastic;

La cubierta de madera sobre los coches by Benedetto Bufalino.  El Espolón car park. Concéntrico 05. Photograph courtesy of Concéntrico

- 本次活动共举办了三场竞赛,共有150多个设计提交作品。三场竞赛分别是以干预设计为主题的竞赛、为鲁昂市设计一个城市装置,以及为纪念艺术双年展La Forêt Monumentale所进行的竞赛。

- A sample of the more than 150 projects submitted to the three competitions called for the design of the interventions of Concéntrico 05, and of the proposals submitted to the competition to create an urban installation in the city of Rouen, within the framework of the La Forêt Monumentale festival;


Arquitectura del VII Día

- 《Arquitectura del VII Día》展览,是运用可回收材料建造并重现1945年至1989年间在波兰建造的近3000座教堂的历史。这些教堂既表达了人们的信仰,同时代表了当时的政治抗争。展览主要采用照片、地图、档案研究和对建筑商的采访等形式,表达这些教堂的历史;

- 《(Super)Vivencias》。这个展览主要展示日常的设计艺术。与该主题相关的展览着眼于设计领域中的客体,在这些设计中,形式的不稳定感、影响力、美学倡议或概念上的独特性等正经历着从设计领域到艺术领域非偶然性的“位移”。

- Arquitectura del VII Día shows that it discovers the history of the almost 3,000 churches that parishioners built between 1945 and 1989 in Poland, from recovered materials. These churches were both an expression of faith and a form of protest against the communist government. The exhibition uncovers the history of these churches through photographs, maps, archive research, and interviews with the builders;
- (Super)Vivencias. The art of designing the ordinary. This associated exhibition looks at objects in the field of design that in their planning, formal restlessness, influence, aesthetic proposal, or conceptual singularity suffer a "displacement", nothing accidental, from one field to another: from the field of design to the field of art.


3x3 by Vaumm. Muralla del Revellín Square. Concéntrico 05. Photograph courtesy of Concéntrico


在其他的活动项目中,以下活动值得重点介绍,如纪录片《Mies on the scene》,尝试向文学领域进军的《Moisés Puente》(编辑Gustavo Gili,2G杂志和Puente Editores)和《Editorial of the Fundación Arquia》等作品;《Arquitectura en corto》,一个介绍建筑领域创新与趋势的循环短片,而来自La 2 TVE设计团队的《Escala Humana》作品则对建筑学提出了不同的观点,另外还有在San Bartolomé广场举行的《concert of the Intana group》等。


2.2 Focus
Between the rest of activities, it is possible to highlight the projection of the documentary Mies on the scene; the approach to the field of literature with the presence of Moisés Puente (Editorial Gustavo Gili, magazine 2G and Puente Editores) and the Editorial of the Fundación Arquia; Arquitectura en corto, a cycle of short films on innovation and trends in architecture. The presence of the program Escala Humana of La 2 TVE that proposes a different view on architecture; and the concert of the Intana group in the Plaza de San Bartolomé;.
Thanks to the help of the Spanish Ministry of Culture and Cultural Action and its Programme for the Internationalisation of Spanish Culture (PICE) in the Visitor Modality, Concéntrico 05 will once again host the Encuentros programme, a cycle of conversations on curating, research, dissemination and teaching of architecture in contemporary formats.

La hoja by FAHR 021.3. San Bartolomé Square. Concéntrico 05. Photograph courtesy of Concéntrico

Claustro Vivo by Parasite 2.0. Courtyard of the Palace Cloister. Concéntrico 05. Photograph courtesy of Concéntrico

Taburete tower by SZCZ Jakub Szczesny. Farias House - Caritas. Concéntrico 05. Photograph courtesy of Concéntrico

Pasaje by Alfredo Baladrón. Tabacalera chimney. Concéntrico 05. Photograph courtesy of Concéntrico


La torre by Archwerk. Courtyard of the San Bartolomé Church. Concéntrico 05. Photograph courtesy of Concéntrico

Subterránea by Lucas Muñoz Muñoz. Calado de San Gregorio. Concéntrico 05. Photograph courtesy of Concéntrico

La vela del Ebro by L'Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Normandie. Ebro Park. Concéntrico 05. Photograph courtesy of Concéntrico

Te, Chocolate y Café by knitknot architecture. Library of La Rioja. Concentrico 05. Photograph courtesy of Concéntrico



Viaje alrededor del castaño by Pablo Losa Fontangordo y Gadea Burgaz. The Trevijano Schools Square. Winners of the contests. Concéntrico 05. Photograph courtesy of Concéntrico


Las columnas misteriosas by EBBA Architects. Santa Ana Square. Winners of the contests. Concéntrico 05. Photograph courtesy of Concéntrico

Las columnas misteriosas by EBBA Architects. Santa Ana Square. Winners of the contests. Concéntrico 05. Photograph courtesy of Concéntrico



Stairway to heaven by Juan LLamazares Argüelles. Viña Lanciano Bodegas LAN. Winners of the contests. Concéntrico 05. Photograph courtesy of Concéntrico

Todo va bien; estamos diseñando by Escuela Superior de Diseño de La Rioja. ESDIR Gardens. Concéntrico 05. Photograph courtesy of Concéntrico




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