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The SHED Project offers micro-homes inside vacant London properties


在伦敦各地的空置建筑中,均安装了独立的微型住宅,名为“SHED ”的项目便是其中之一,这些项目出现在我们的Dezeen x迷你生活视频系列的最新电影中。

该项目的物业管理公司Lowe Guardians为年轻的专业人士提供了临时的经济适用房,比如在仓库和办公大楼里。该公司通过这样的做法,来保护这些建筑免遭私自占领和破坏等不良行为。

Self-contained micro homes are being installed inside vacant buildings across London as part of an initiative called The SHED Project, which features in the latest movie from our Dezeen x MINI Living video series.
The project sees property management company Lowe Guardians create temporary affordable housing for young professionals inside empty properties like warehouses and office blocks. By doing so, the company is also helping to keep these buildings protected from squatters, vandals and deterioration.


公司创始人Tim Lowe在伦敦建筑事务所的工作室里,起草了一项关于DIY住房模块的设计方案,作为建筑监管者的替代方案,人们可以在废弃的建筑中支付很少的租金来租用这些建筑。



Company founder Tim Lowe drafted in London architecture office Studio Bark to come up with the design for the DIY housing modules as an alternative to property guardianship, where people pay very little rent to live in abandoned buildings.
He came up with the idea after witnessing the often squalid living conditions of these properties.
"The reality has always been that turning vast, open spaces into private rooms for guardians has always been both tricky and time-consuming," said Lowe.




Lowe  Guardians公司负责人声称,这些建筑几乎不产生建筑垃圾,而且它们的模块化构件十分便于运输建造。

The SHED micro home is designed to allow easy assembly in just one day using a mallet and a drill, and can also be disassembled, transported to another location and rebuilt.
Its walls are made from Smartply, a material formed of a mix of oriented strand board and recycled polyester, and are insulated with lambs wool for warmth and soundproofing.
Lowe Guardians claims that the structures creates minimal construction waste, as they are modular and built for easy transportation.



根据新的政府数据,目前英国的空置房屋数量达到了20年来的最高水平,而且Grenfell Tower自治区的Kensington &Chelsea的空置房产数量最多。

Property guardianship has been muted as a solution to tackle Britain's growing number of empty properties.
According to new government figures, numbers of vacant homes are at their highest level in 20 years, with Grenfell Tower borough Kensington & Chelsea home to the highest number of empty properties.


Lowe  Guardians负责人声明这项SHED设计目前针对生活快节奏和临时的年轻专业人士、创意人员提供临时住宿,甚至还可以成为流浪汉和难民的临时避难所。

这部电影是Dezeen x MINI Living Initiative的一部分,是一项与MINI为期一年的合作项目,探索建筑和设计如何通过一系列视频和对话,为城市未来做出巨大贡献。

While Lowe Guardians makes clear that The SHED Project is currently aimed at young professionals and creatives who live fast-paced and transient lifestyles, they add that the design could be used in the future to provide accommodation for homeless people and refugees.
This movie is part of Dezeen x MINI Living Initiative, a year-long collaboration with MINI exploring how architecture and design can contribute to a brighter urban future through a series of videos and talks.





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