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Jeddo Road住宅项目
Jeddo Road / Inglis Badrashi Loddo


来自建筑事务所的描述:Jeddo Road项目位于英国伦敦South Acton地区,这里曾经被称为“Soapsuds Island”,是因为这里有着大量的洗衣作坊。

项目整体面积为1100平方米,造价为260万英镑。Inglis Badrashi Loddo建筑事务所(IBLA)在修复的过程中保留了场地原有的历史特征,并以干净利落的现代方式来展现其原有的空间特色,从而对该项目进行了扩建。

Text description provided by the architects. Situated in an area of South Acton formerly known as ‘Soapsuds Island’ due to the prevalence of laundries and washhouses that dominated the neighbourhood, the Jeddo Road project is rooted in this locality.
Totalling 1100sqm in size and built for £2.6m, IBLA’s skilfull refurbishment preserves the site’s colourful history and original features, with extensive new additions purposefully built to visually grow out of the original in a clean and contemporary way.




原有建筑包括一座住宅(69号)和部分Jeddo Works的前办公楼(67号),这些建筑始建于19世纪70年代,因此,IBLA决定仍然延续其维多利亚时期的设计元素,同时拆除一些在20世纪扩建的看上去廉价不堪的部分。

Jeddo Works办公楼通高拱门的白色油漆在修复中经过清洗,露出其内部的红色砖块,建筑师通过设置全新的混凝土框架扩建部分对原有建筑进行了修复。全新的建筑外观仍然运用了与周边建筑相适应的比例关系和拱形元素,并且仍然结合了具有工业气息的红砖和镀锌面板。

The original buildings comprised a house (no.69) and part of the former Jeddo Works building (no.67), each dating from the 1870’s. IBLA made the decision to return back to the Victorian elements and remove the poor quality 20th century additions.
The double-height rusticated arches of Jeddo Works were carefully stripped of white paintwork to expose their deep red coloured bricks and original house was revived with the installation of a new concrete-framed extension. The new exterior matches the proportion and feel of the arches and adjacent buildings and was finished in a similarly industrial red-brick and patinated zinc.





As a mixed-use development the new build in no.69 contains office space and flats. On the ground floor an open-plan office is occupied by another architectural practice, with double height ceilings accommodating a mezzanine level for a modern workplace.
The flats above were aimed to contrast with the heritage of the exterior and as such are fitted out with a calm-palmette of materials including exposed concrete, steel beams and timber. These interiors are lit with ample, natural light from all sides. The penthouse flat that lies at the top of Jeddo Road benefits from a wrap-around balcony that offers spectacular views across central London.



Jeddo Road项目的所有使用者共享一条木制通道,这条路贯穿公共院落与花园。使用者通过院落能够来到场地后侧的两座三层住宅,这些住宅紧靠原有洗衣店的墙体而建。


A timber-lined passageway leads your through to a tranquil courtyard and garden shared by all users of Jeddo Road. The courtyard gives access to two new three-storey mews houses to the rear of the site, constructed in the tight-space between the walls of the former laundry.
These light and modern mews houses decked in white steel and timber face the communal courtyard, and have private sunken gardens, balconies and generous roof terraces which link to the first floor living spaces. The steel framed structure, recalling traditional Georgian canopied balconies provides both additional exterior space and mediates between the houses and the courtyard.


Jeddo Road项目对环境的影响非常小,甚至还满足可持续住宅规范4级标准(Code for Sustainable Homes Level 4)。建筑师通过提升外墙的隔热性能与气密性的等级来减少建筑的热损耗。面向冬季花园的南侧体块利用被动式太阳能进行加热,同时结合使用清水混凝土,来提升建筑的热值,进一步提高能源效益。建筑的部件与材料都在当地生产,并且建筑中的各种元素都能够重复使用。

As a 21st Century piece of architecture Jeddo Road is designed to be sustainable and sensitive to the environment, and includes range of measures that exceed the requirements of Code for Sustainable Homes Level 4. Building fabric was designed to minimise heat loss through high levels of insulation and air tightness. South facing winter gardens on the main block exploit passive solar heating and, combined with exposed concrete soffits contribute to the building's thermal mass, improving energy efficiency further. Products and materials were sourced sustainable and locally, and fabrics were reused and wherever possible.


IBLA主要负责人Patrick Inglis说:“这是一个规模较大的修复项目,与我们曾经的作品相类似的是,我们也希望这座建筑能够表达出根植于人们脑海中的传统文脉与历史气息。我们结合维多利亚时期的各项元素,同时让后部空间成为拥有光明、高端生活品质的现代住宅与办公场所。我们的设计与场地原有建筑形成了对比,这种感觉很好,我们不仅结合了场地因素,同时还进行了创新。”

IBLA Director Patrick Inglis said of the project “ Jeddo Road is a big refurbishment in scale but as with all our projects we wanted the end result to be imbued with a real sense of ‘rootedness’ in its context and heritage. By returning the site to it’s Victorian look and feel we then had space at the back to build light, high-quality and contemporary homes and an office. The contrast is terrific and we’re delighted how much we brought to and got out of the site.“




建筑设计:Inglis Badrashi Loddo
地点:英国 伦敦
客户:Jeddo Innovations Ltd
类型:多功能 (住宅/ 办公)
面积:1100.0 m2
摄影:David Grandorge
制造商:VMZINC, Velfac, Havwoods

Architects: Inglis Badrashi Loddo
Location: London, United Kingdom
Client: Jeddo Innovations Ltd
Type: Mixed-Use (residential / office)
Area: 1100.0 m2
Project Year: 2017
Photographs: David Grandorge
Manufacturers: VMZINC, Velfac, Havwoods





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