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In Bermondsey, London, Local Designers Collaborate to Revive a Neighborhood Market


一个多世纪以来,一个被称为"The Blue"的街头市场是伦敦东南部伯蒙西的心脏。在过去的无数个星期六,数以百计的人涌向这个历史悠久的街区,其根源可以追溯到11世纪,当时这里是通往伯蒙西修道院的朝圣之路。曾经,市场上的顾客可以在200多个摊位上品尝商品,这些摊位以出售阳光下的一切而闻名。“你可以在The Blue买到任何东西”是每个人的口头禅。

然而,自20世纪70年代以来,该市场逐渐衰落,为了方便车辆,这里修建了道路,并被推入战后的住宅区,其功能被附近的大型超市所取代。今天,The Blue已经与过去的社区中心相去甚远,而它曾经所拥有的的生命力也随之流失。2005年,大都会警方的一份报告将该地区定义为“种族犯罪和青年混乱”的热点地区。

For more than a century, a street market known as ‘The Blue’ was the beating heart of Bermondsey in Southeast London. On Saturdays gone by, hundreds flocked to the historic neighborhood, a site with roots reaching back to the 11th century when it was once a pilgrimage route to Bermondsey Abbey. Market punters used to sample goods from more than 200 stalls that famously sold everything under the sun. “You can buy anything down The Blue” was the phrase everyone went by.
However, since the 1970s, the market has been in gradual decline: shunned from the road to make way for vehicles and pushed into a post-war housing estate, its business has been usurped by a supermarket mega complex nearby. Today, The Blue is a far cry from the communal hub it used to be, and with it, the lifeblood it once provided has dripped away. In 2005 a Metropolitan police report defined the area a hotspot for “race crime and youth disorder.”


“我一直在这里摆摊。” Russell Dryden对《大都会》说,“我已经卖了快40年的鱼了。我看到这里从一个拥挤的市场到只剩我自己。”

目睹市场的衰退,Russell采取了行动,在与当地商业伙伴联系后,他把市场及其附近地区改造为商业改进区。他说:“这使我们有机会坐在最高的位置上。” 他的工作得到了回报,最终,商业改进区从大伦敦管理局的良好增长基金中获得了270万美元的支持,用于对该地区的未来发展进行提升。


“I’ve always run a stall here,” said Russell Dryden, speaking to Metropolis. “I’ve been selling fish for about 40 years. And I’ve seen it go from a packed market to it being more or less only me having a stall here.”
Witnessing the market’s decline, Russell took action. After contacting fellow local businesses, he made the market and its vicinity a Business Improvement District. “It gave us the opportunity to sit at the top table,” he said. His work paid off: eventually, the BID was granted $2.7 million from the Greater London Authority’s Good Growth fund to futureproof the area.
Using that money, London-based practices Hayatsu Architects and Turner Prize-winners, Assemble Studio, have provided the market with the infrastructure to hopefully thrive once again. On the face of it, the changes made aren’t show-stoppers. The most notable addition to passers-by is a shiny new clocktower—a twee timber structure clad in tin can scales embossed by residents and supported by stilts with a clock abutting atop. The tin cladding stands out in the local visual context but has particular historical resonance—Bermondsey is the birthplace of the tin can, with the first being produced during the 19th century.



他的同名工作室的创始人Takeshi Hayatsu说:“我们想让当地社区参与进来,做一些能够体现建筑规模的东西。”在社区研讨会中谈到,伯蒙西当地人对项目中使用的锡进行压印,所有这些都是该项目进行的广泛社区参与和咨询的一部分。



“We wanted to involve the local community and make something that could manifest at an architectural scale,” said Takeshi Hayatsu, founder of his eponymous studio, speaking of the community workshop that saw Bermondsey locals emboss the tin—all of which was part of the extensive community engagement and consultation that took place for the project.
A more subtle change is the new timber bollards that have replaced concrete ones and been pushed closer to the street, allowing more space for traders. The concrete from the others hasn’t been wasted, instead, it has been stained red and reused for seating. The refurbished market can now accommodate 36 stalls. It’s a far cry from the 200 that were once here, but it’s a better foundation for growth as the market looks to become a genuine community hub again.
The tower is the central focal point of Bermondsey’s market, flanked on either side by Oak-framed canopies that provide shelter to potential traders. Better electrical services for stalls have been provided, too. Prior to this, the market’s infrastructure was severely lacking. “Nothing was working on the market,” said Dryden. “None of the electric was working, things broke and weren’t fixed, you know? We just couldn’t run a proper market.”




图片:Jim Stephenson

Hayatsu calls the new market area a “village green”—a place designed to be more than just a space to trade, where people can hold community events, perform, or relax. Though the market doesn’t sprawl out onto the street like it once did, visitors are encouraged to arrive by foot: much of the budget has been used on improving the pedestrian experience, largely down to street markings and motifs courtesy of graphic designers Stinsensqueeze, who are based in Bermondsey. Funding was also used to give shopfronts a facelift, too, while new paths into the village green area are being carved—with a new route linking to a soon-to-be-built housing development just north of the site.
The result is a pleasing rejuvenation of an area that now has the infrastructure to see its market come back to life. “The market has changed,” admitted Dryden. “Market trading, owning shops—it used to all be passed on, father to son. But now most kids go to university or get educated and don’t want to work their mum and dad’s business like they used to, that era’s gone. Now it’s about getting new traders in, a different generation—and that’s what this is for.”









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