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阿迦汗博物馆/ Fumihiko Maki +Moriyama & Teshima architects第1张图片

项目位置:加拿大 安大略省 多伦多
基地面积:70000 m2
占地面积:4000 m2
总建筑面积:11600 m2
建筑设计师:槙文彦,Moriyama & Teshima
结构工程师:halcrow yolles
机械/电气工程师:the mitchell partnership / crossey engineering
Project Credits:
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Completion Date: 2013
Building Type: museum, auditorium
Structural System: reinforced concrete, steel
Number of Floors: 1 basement + 2 stories
Site Area: 70,000 sqm
Building Area: 4,000 sqm
Total Floor Area: 11,600 sqm
Architect of Record: Moriyama & Teshima architects
Structural Engineer: halcrow yolles
Mechanical / Electrical Engineer: the mitchell partnership / crossey engineering

阿迦汗博物馆/ Fumihiko Maki +Moriyama & Teshima architects第2张图片

伴随着9月18日的正式开放,多伦多的穆斯林阿迦汗博物馆将展出一系列的收藏,展示数百年来穆斯林的文化及科学贡献。这座建筑由日本建筑师槙文彦与当地建筑设计公司Moriyama & Teshima合作设计,被认为是陈列各类文物的殿堂级建筑。建筑棱角分明的体块由白色花岗岩层覆盖,内部空间由光线限定。馆内收藏包括肖像、纺织品、微型画、手稿、陶瓷、瓷片、医学文献、书籍、和乐器,最早的文物甚至可追溯到十个世纪之前。

With the opening of its doors on September 18 in Toronto, Canada, the Aga Khan Museum will showcase an extensive collection of Islamic cultural and scientific contributions from throughout centuries of history. The building, designed by Japanese architect Fumihiko Maki in collaboration with local firm Moriyama & Teshima, is conceived as a temple-like house for the diverse range of artifacts. The angular mass is clad in white granite, and contains spaces which are defined by their luminous conditions. Pieces in the collection include portraits, textiles, miniatures, manuscripts, ceramics, tiles, medical texts, books, and musical instruments, dating back to as far as ten centuries old.

阿迦汗博物馆/ Fumihiko Maki +Moriyama & Teshima architects第3张图片

这座博物馆馆藏1000多件艺术品,其中包括7世纪至8世纪间稀世的可兰经(Quran)手稿。兴建耗资额是由英国亿万富翁兼回教精神领袖阿加汗(Aga Khan)和信众们共同出资的。阿加汗是回教先知穆罕默德的直系后人以及什叶派回教徒的精神领袖,他也是加拿大荣誉公民。约有10万名什叶派回教徒居住在加拿大。美国与加拿大各地博物馆都有丰富的伊斯兰艺术收藏品,但这是第一座完全以伊斯兰作品展出的博物馆。

Every monumental museum is inspired by a great collection. In the case of the sparkling white-stone Aga Khan Museum, opening in the outskirts of Toronto, it contains over one thousand artefacts and artworks and spans over one thousand years of history. The objects – in ceramic, metalwork, ivory, stone and wood, textile and carpet, glass and rock crystal objects, parchment and illustrated paintings on paper – present an overview of the artistic accomplishments of civilizations of Islam from the Iberian Peninsula to China.

阿迦汗博物馆/ Fumihiko Maki +Moriyama & Teshima architects第4张图片

阿迦汗博物馆位于一个拥有众多水体和绿地的大公园(由景观设计师Vladimir Djurovic设计),与附近由查尔斯•柯里亚为穆斯林祈祷设计的伊斯迈利中心相辅相承。

The Aga Khan Museum site features a large park (designed by landscape architect Vladimir Djurovic), which contains many pools and provides new green space for the city of Toronto. The cultural building is complemented by the nearby Ismaili center, a new prayer hall designed by architect Charles Correa.

阿迦汗博物馆/ Fumihiko Maki +Moriyama & Teshima architects第5张图片

阿迦汗博物馆/ Fumihiko Maki +Moriyama & Teshima architects第6张图片


The institution’s program consists of museum galleries, an auditorium, education spaces, and a restaurant. These elements are arranged around a central courtyard, which both serves as an outdoor area for activities while also providing daylight to the interiors.

阿迦汗博物馆/ Fumihiko Maki +Moriyama & Teshima architects第7张图片


The Aga Khan states the intentions of the new cultural institution:
“one of the lessons we have learned in recent years is that the world of Islam and the western world need to work together much more effectively at building mutual understanding – especially as these cultures interact and intermingle more actively. we hope that this museum will contribute to a better understanding of the peoples of Islam in all of their religious, ethnic, linguistic, and social diversity.”

阿迦汗博物馆/ Fumihiko Maki +Moriyama & Teshima architects第8张图片

阿迦汗博物馆/ Fumihiko Maki +Moriyama & Teshima architects第9张图片

阿迦汗博物馆/ Fumihiko Maki +Moriyama & Teshima architects第10张图片

阿迦汗博物馆/ Fumihiko Maki +Moriyama & Teshima architects第11张图片

阿迦汗博物馆/ Fumihiko Maki +Moriyama & Teshima architects第12张图片

阿迦汗博物馆/ Fumihiko Maki +Moriyama & Teshima architects第13张图片

阿迦汗博物馆/ Fumihiko Maki +Moriyama & Teshima architects第14张图片

阿迦汗博物馆/ Fumihiko Maki +Moriyama & Teshima architects第15张图片

槙文彦(fumihiko maki,1928年9月6日-)男,日本建筑师,东京大学毕业。是1960 年出现的新陈代谢派( Metabolist )的创始人之一。于1993年获得建筑界最高荣誉普利策克奖。

Fumihiko Maki
Born in Tokio in 1928, and studied and taught at the Univerity of Tokyo and Harvard University's Graduate School of Design. Since 1965, Maki has been the principal of Maki and Associates widely recognized through publications, exhibitions, and with some of the professsion's hightest honors, including the UIA Gold Medal, The Praemium Imperiale, and the Pritzker Prize.
Maki and Associates was established in 1965 by Fumihiko Maki, upon his return from a ten year period of study, teaching, and practice in the United States. The office has been based in Tokyo throughout its 42 year history, and is currently staffed by forty architects, urban designers, and administrative personnel. This size has been purposefully limited to enable Maki to maintain a close working relationship with each firm member, and daily involvement with each project. Maki personally takes a leadership role in all commissions from design inception through to completion (including construction supervision).



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