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哥德堡浴场 / raumlabor第1张图片



From the architect. Frihamnen, the industrial harbor of Gothenburg, is gradually losing its industrial character and is steadily becoming a new, central part of Gothenburg, open to be discovered and adopted by the citizens. The present state of transition, the traces of its former uses and the huge undefined spaces together make the area very attractive for the establishment and implementation of different kinds of cultural activities.

哥德堡浴场 / raumlabor第2张图片
Courtesy of raumlaborberlin

除了被污染的土地和水资源,这个工业港口地区的遗产还有一系列迷人的多功能设施和建筑物,以及自发形成的一种脆弱的自然环境状态,在沥青、混凝土和水之间存在着。过去用于停泊和中转的码头,在未来将会失去原有的功能。水面上荡漾着Jubilee 公园的倒影和对未来发展的希冀。充分利用水资源、陆地和周边地区,积极开发新的用途,创造多种场所体验,是该地区发展前景的重要一环。

Apart from polluted land and water, the heritage of this industrial port area is a series of fascinating functional objects and buildings and the spontaneous and fragile nature that somehow exists between asphalt, concrete and water. The docks, created for turning ships, will lose their former function in the future. The water surface represents the blue part of the envisaged Jubilee Park. Imagining new uses and types of experiences, as well as links between the water, the land and the neighbourhood, are crucial for the development of the whole area.

哥德堡浴场 / raumlabor第3张图片
Courtesy of raumlaborberlin


For sustainable urban growth and the creation of a specific harbour park at Frihamnen it is necessary to preserve the memory of the site by attempting to intertwine with old structures, both physically and emotionally, the feeling and the qualities of the current state of ‚ waitingʻ for new uses, buildings and temporary interventions.

哥德堡浴场 / raumlabor第4张图片
Courtesy of raumlaborberlin

哥德堡浴场 / raumlabor第5张图片
Drawing 2/绘图 2


Establishing bathing in this rough and hostile environment is, above all, a way to change the perception of it: creating intimate spaces, new leisure experiences and the opportunity for communication between different groups of people. Since water pollution does not allow, for the moment, direct bathing activities in the docks, the establishment of Bathing Culture activities will generate a form of prediction for the future of this particular setting.

哥德堡浴场 / raumlabor第6张图片
Courtesy of raumlaborberlin



Bath as a forum.
Public baths were once an intense place for social gatherings in our cities. They were places not only for relaxation and sport but also for politics, discussion, business deals, eroticism, hedonism and crime. Thishas been lost in our cities and substituted with the more bleak and leisure-based public swimming pools and spas. We see the baths as a social space to meet people, spend time together and discuss life. The sensorial qualities of the baths provide us with a place where there is no competition, consumption or spectacle, but where the focus is purely on sharing spaces and thoughts, and enjoying and benefiting from the water.

哥德堡浴场 / raumlabor第7张图片
Elevation 2/立面图 2



City planning as a process.
Working on an abstract level of city planning, Raumlabor has specialised in dynamic master planning. Activation through use is the central approach. Multifaceted use of public space is a driving force for the development of vibrant, contemporary and adaptive neighbourhoods. We seek to invent new, user-based applications and involve various urban players as early as possible in the transformation processes.

哥德堡浴场 / raumlabor第8张图片
Courtesy of raumlaborberlin



Research-based design.
Raumlabor are committed to dealing with places 1:1, discovering and using what we find within the conditions at the site. In the process of doing, we learn more about the investigation site through active Design and finding new methods that are open to appropriation and upgrading existing methods. We do not always solve problems; we initiate processes that give players the opportunity to get to know, understand and use the city and its dynamics, as well as its possibilities.

哥德堡浴场 / raumlabor第9张图片
Courtesy of raumlaborberlin



Building together.
"Living together" is not an end in itself but a process. That is why it is important to plan and build the prototype together with the people who will in the future use and manage it. ‚Building togetherʻ is also an opportunity to bring people from different social classes and with different ethnic backgrounds together for a meaningful experience. The idea is to give them an opportunity to do something that they would normally never do: to expand their city living by giving them the chance to create their own space in the cities.

哥德堡浴场 / raumlabor第10张图片
Drawing 4/绘图 4



Working on the site.
Working with our team in the harbour for several weeks totally changed our perception of the site. First we got to know all the people who already use the space. These are not just the people who go there for the suggested activities, such as roller derby, film nights and the gardening group. They also include people who bring their own tools and hobbies to the harbour, such as remote-controlled drones, asphalt surfers or people who go there to practice driving cars or motorbikes. There are also frequent spontaneous users, such as joggers, people walking their dogs or couples who simply go there to relax and enjoy the sunset.

哥德堡浴场 / raumlabor第11张图片
Courtesy of raumlaborberlin


This made us think about the whole of Frihamnen as a park despite that fact that most of it is asphalt and that is still underutilised considering ist central location in the city. But it is already a space that has a very special atmosphere and very different from the other more urbanised public spaces in Gothenburg. There is a feeling of openness and potential in this extensive area. In the light of its proximity to the historical city centre, its ability to still keep ist distance is perhaps the most fascinating characteristic of the park as it is at present. Sitting on the wooden piers next to the water as the fishing boats come in with their throbbing diesel engines produces a feeling of being in a very special space. It is as if the large ships passing by connect you physically to the open sea, creating a different scale of freedom of space.

哥德堡浴场 / raumlabor第12张图片
Courtesy of raumlaborberlin



Building materials.
The choice of materials enhances the intended dramaturgy for visitors to the bath. Cold and weathered metal on the outside, ready-mades from naval equipment, produce the sensation of something that could naturally belong to the harbor site. The wooden path with its pattern, the physical and visual connection between the different buildings, recall floating wood pieces along the shore.

哥德堡浴场 / raumlabor第13张图片
Drawing 5/绘图 5

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Courtesy of raumlaborberlin


The larch shingles of the sauna interior, made of thick veneer, are thin enough to react to the changes of temperature and humidity so that their shape changes in use. The warm space breathes with the visitors. The direction of the shingles' pattern on the walls and ceiling creates at the same time an embracing space and a focus on the view out of the big window towards the silhouette of the cranes and the city center. This visual connection between the new intimate space inside the „hostile“ harbor environment and the old city was from the beginning a crucial aspect for the choice of the site.

哥德堡浴场 / raumlabor第15张图片
Courtesy of raumlaborberlin


有一部分信息的获取不是通过往常的勘测和短暂性的实地调查得到的,在以往的规划项目中我们就开始进行对主观判断和按部就班全面调查所得信息的综合处理,我们称之为潜在调研。潜在因素的考察意味着收集设想并落实一个特定公共空间的潜在热点,包括一切现有使用功能、不易察觉特质和潜在的参与者。我们已经对Jubilee Park进行了测绘,结果将进行公开展示并持续更新,它也可以在新社区建设的交流、参与和协商中发挥作用。

Potential map.
There are layers of information, which we do not get from regular plans and brief site visits. In previous planning projects we started to map these layers of subjective findings and programmatic overlays in whatare termed ‚potential mapsʻ. A ‚potential mapʻ is intended as a means of collecting, visualising and locating all the existing uses, hidden qualities and potential players for a specific public space. Together with Platsbyggnad, we have begun to draw a potential map for the Jubilee Park. The potential map should be displayed to the general public and be constantly updated. It could become a tool for communication, participation and negotiation for the building of this new neighbourhood and park.

哥德堡浴场 / raumlabor第16张图片
Drawing 1/绘图 1


Raumlabor为Jubilee Park发展项目作出的第三个提议是明确和标注出新公园和周边地区参与者对区域发展的不同希冀和夙求,其中的参与者包括不同个体、群体和机构以及工程项目。这甚至能够在我们开始探讨这些愿景的可行性和冲突性之前,帮助我们了解到该地区未来可能出现的不同思潮。在这一开放式的规划进程中,愿景的规划应该经常更新,以容纳和反映参与者日益增加的夙求,并且能够显示出区域未来发展的变化。

Desire map.
A third tool that Raumlabor proposes for the development of Jubilee Park 0.5 is a map that identifies, locates and presents the diverse wishes and desires of different individuals, groups and institutions and projects these into the new park and neighbourhood. This should be a tool to illustrate all the different thoughts about this future part of the city before we even start to judge and negotiate these desires in terms of feasibility and contradictions. This map in particular should be updated frequently within the process in order to include the growing number of voices and show how the imagination of the future changes in such an open planning process.

哥德堡浴场 / raumlabor第17张图片
Courtesy of raumlaborberlin




Open call one / building together.
September 15th to 20th, 2014.
In September 2014 we asked people from all over Gothenburg to participate in the building process during the first phase of Bathing Culture. In line with our idea of designing and building collectively in open processes we came to the Jubilee Park with a mixed team of architects, carpenters, designers and a cook. During the open call week the building process had already started and our team was about to finish the wooden piers along the water line. In all, 24 people with different professional backgrounds, ranging from students of design to artists and town planners, came to build with us and discuss the future potential of the site and the park.

哥德堡浴场 / raumlabor第18张图片
Courtesy of raumlaborberlin

项目设计团队分为三组,分别探讨不同的课题。一组研究入口构筑物和墙体形式的设计方案,设计中用到的旧窗是我们从二手市场淘到的。另一组负责Todosch ——位于圆形广场中心位置的石制雕塑,它颇具年代感。设计中使用的角状花岗岩铺装由哥德堡公园和景观管理处提供。第三组准备利用空酒桶建造浴室的墙体部分。

The building workshop was arranged in the form of three groups that took on different tasks. One group was working on the small entrance pavilion, building walls from the old windows that we had bought from a second-hand supplier. Another group worked with Todosch, an experienced stone sculptor at the central circular square. They used granite pavement corner blocks provided by the Gothenburg Parks and Landscape Administration. A third group started to build the shower room with walls from empty wine bottles.

哥德堡浴场 / raumlabor第19张图片
Courtesy of raumlaborberlin


This first participatory workshop in the bathing project helped us to understand the site and the city much better. While lifting the heavy granite stones to build the little square, there was a lot of conversation about the possible future of the newly opened Frihamnen. We could learn a lot about the neighbourhood and ist relationship with the whole city. While working, a lot of wishes regarding possible programmes and atmospheres were articulated in the different teams. These conversations opened up scope for imagination and speculation about the future of the park, which went far beyond the building projects that we were working on together.

哥德堡浴场 / raumlabor第20张图片
Courtesy of raumlaborberlin

哥德堡浴场 / raumlabor第21张图片
Site Plan/场地平面图

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Elevation 1/立面图 1

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Drawing 3/绘图 3

哥德堡浴场 / raumlabor第24张图片
Drawing 6/绘图 6

建筑设计: raumlabor
项目负责人: Francesco Apuzzo, Jan Liesegang
合作设计:Bruno Gonçalves, Christian Göthner, Eduardo Conceição, Florian Stirnemann, Jordane Coquart, Katharina Spagl, Maria Garcia Perez, Mariana Marques da Silva, Martina Blom, Sam, Dias Carvalho
委托人: Älvstranden Utveckling AB

Architects: raumlabor
Location: Gothenburg, Sweden
Architects in Charge: Francesco Apuzzo, Jan Liesegang
Project Year: 2014
Photographs: Courtesy of raumlaborberlin
Collaborators: Bruno Gonçalves, Christian Göthner, Eduardo Conceição, Florian Stirnemann, Jordane Coquart, Katharina Spagl, Maria Garcia Perez, Mariana Marques da Silva, Martina Blom, Sam, Dias Carvalho
Comissioned: Älvstranden Utveckling AB





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