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BIG蛇形画廊展览馆的建造工艺/ BIG and Fiberline第1张图片

BIG and Fiberline reveal manufacturing process behind Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2016


Dezeen 在幕后访问了组成BIG建筑设计事务所设计的蛇形画廊展览馆的玻璃钢块的工厂,在独家新闻的录像中,我们知道这种玻璃钢由生产原材料厂商Fiberline生产。

Dezeen goes behind the scenes at the factory where the fibreglass blocks that comprise BIG's Serpentine Gallery Pavilion were made in this exclusive video produced for material manufacturer Fiberline.

BIG蛇形画廊展览馆的建造工艺/ BIG and Fiberline第2张图片

Bjarke Ingels公司的蛇形画廊展览馆于2016年6月10号在伦敦开放,这是一个由成千上百的玻璃钢盒子层层叠放组成的巨大波浪状结构。

Bjarke Ingels' firm's Serpentine Gallery Pavilion opened in London on 10 June 2016, and is a huge undulating structure composed of thousands of fibreglass boxes stacked on top of each other.

该工程的项目经理Rune Hansen解释说,这个公司把展览馆看作是一次检测他们创造的玻璃钢材料的可能性的机会。


BIG's Rune Hansen, who was project manager for the project, explains that the firm saw the pavilion as an opportunity to test what it is possible to create with its fibreglass material.
"To build a pavilion like this for us as an architecture office is extremely interesting," he explains in the movie. "It is kind of a lab where we can test materials – the visual aesthetics as well as structural conditions."

BIG蛇形画廊展览馆的建造工艺/ BIG and Fiberline第3张图片



The pavilion, which resembles a wall of bricks that has been "unzipped" to create a void inside, consists of around 1900 hollow fibreglass blocks, which are attached by simple metal connectors.
The blocks themselves are made from sheets of fibreglass of various thicknesses, with heavier blocks at the base and lighter ones making up the upper layers.

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Hansen 透露:“我们采用了三种不同的计量方式,底层的盒子10毫米厚,中间的盒子6毫米厚,上层的盒子3毫米厚。它们都由轻质材料组成,但同时又非常坚硬。”

"We used three different gauges," reveals. "The bottom boxes are 10 millimetres [thick], the middle boxes are six millimetres and Hansen the top boxes are three millimetres. It's a lightweight material, but at the same time it's strong."

BIG蛇形画廊展览馆的建造工艺/ BIG and Fiberline第5张图片

此玻璃钢盒子在丹麦的Fiberline Composites公司的Middelfart工厂制造,这个工厂通常情况下生产用在桥梁和风机复合结构方面的材料。

BIG事务所的这个展览馆用一种叫做Lay Light的产品,它是一种由充满聚酯树脂的玻璃钢组成的透明材料。

The fibreglass boxes were manufactured at the Middelfart factory of Danish company Fiberline Composites, which more commonly produces composite structural profiles for use in bridges or wind turbine blades.
BIG used a product called Lay Light for the pavilion, which is a translucent material consisting of glass fibres impregnated with a polyester resin.

BIG蛇形画廊展览馆的建造工艺/ BIG and Fiberline第6张图片

Fiberline的副主席Stig Krogh Pedersen说:“今年的蛇形画廊展览馆的所有的盒子都是由Lay Light 材料制造的,并在丹麦中心的工厂进行组装。这种材料像钢铁一样坚硬,但仅有钢铁1/5的重量。”

"All the boxes for this year's Serpentine Gallery Pavilion were made out of Lay Light material and assembled in our factory in the centre of Denmark," says Fiberline vice president Stig Krogh Pedersen. "The material is as strong as steel, but only has about one fifth of the weight."

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The material is produced by a technique called pultrusion, in which thousands of strands of glass fibre are pulled through a mould and impregnated with resin.
"We have a production line that grabs the fibres and pulls them through a die, Pedersen explains. "That way we have a continuous process to make profiles as long as we like."

BIG蛇形画廊展览馆的建造工艺/ BIG and Fiberline第8张图片

Fiberline 的工厂获得了这种材料的认证。

Pedersen 说:“我们把我们的工厂作为一种标准,通过做23000平方米的标准模型,对于Lay Light材料,我们已经取得了丰富的经验。”

Fiberline's factory is clad with the material.
"We used our factory as a kind of prototype," Pedersen says. "We’ve got a lot of experience with the Lay Light material by doing this prototype of 23,000-square-metres."

BIG蛇形画廊展览馆的建造工艺/ BIG and Fiberline第9张图片

BIG 事务所也用这种材料来建造它即将完工的Transitlager项目——将在巴塞尔的仓库改造成办公楼、公寓和美术馆。

Hansen 说:“蛇形画廊展览馆是暂时的建筑,但是BIG事务所用Lay Light材料设计了永久性的结构,这种材料覆盖了6000平方米的建筑。”

BIG is also using the material to clad its soon-to-be-completed Transitlager project, a conversion of a warehouse in Basel into offices, apartments and galleries.
"The Serpentine Gallery Pavilion is a temporary structure," Hansen says. "But BIG is also designing a permanent structure using Lay Light to cover 6,000 square metres of the building."
Hansen says that as well as its strength, the translucency of the material makes it interesting for architects.

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"When you go close to it you will recognise the details, you’ll see the actual components of the fibreglass," he explains.
"At night, the pavilion starts to glow because of this translucency. It's very beautiful."

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这个视频由Dezeen 在伦敦和米泽尔法特为Fiberline拍摄。

BIG's structure marks the 16th edition of the annual Serpentine Gallery programme, which offers architects the chance to create their first built structure in the UK. The pavilion is open until 10 October 2016 at Kensington Gardens in London's Hyde Park.
This movie was filmed by Dezeen in London and Middelfart for Fiberline.

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BIG蛇形画廊展览馆的建造工艺/ BIG and Fiberline第13张图片

BIG蛇形画廊展览馆的建造工艺/ BIG and Fiberline第14张图片

BIG蛇形画廊展览馆的建造工艺/ BIG and Fiberline第15张图片

BIG蛇形画廊展览馆的建造工艺/ BIG and Fiberline第16张图片

BIG蛇形画廊展览馆的建造工艺/ BIG and Fiberline第17张图片

BIG蛇形画廊展览馆的建造工艺/ BIG and Fiberline第18张图片

BIG蛇形画廊展览馆的建造工艺/ BIG and Fiberline第19张图片

BIG蛇形画廊展览馆的建造工艺/ BIG and Fiberline第20张图片





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