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RIBA银奖获得者:Nick Elias 巴特利特建筑学院。© RIBA



The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) have announced the President’s Medals Student Awards at a special event today in London. The awards, recognised as the world’s most prestigious set of awards in architectural education, were inaugurated in 1836 (making them the institutes oldest award, including the RIBA Gold Medal). Three medals in particular – the Bronze for a Part I student, the Silver for a Part II student, and the Dissertation Medal – are awarded to “promote excellence in the study of architecture [and] to reward talent and to encourage architectural debate worldwide.” In addition to these, the winners of the Serjeant Award for Excellence in Drawing and the SOM Foundation Fellowships are also announced.
317 schools of architecture from over 61 countries were invited to nominate design projects and dissertations by their students. This year saw the majority of winners come from London schools, including the Bartlett School of Architecture (UCL), Kingston University, the University of Westminster, London Metropolitan University (the CASS), the Royal College of Art, the University of East London, and the University of Greenwich. University College Dublin (Ireland) and the University of Brighton (UK) also saw their students commended, alongside the University of Sydney (two students) and the University of Hong Kong (one student).

See drawings from all the winning and commended students after the break.


RIBA主席斯蒂芬•霍德祝贺获奖者,并说道, 这些获奖者的天赋和勤奋提醒着我们建筑的重要意义在于创造一个更好的世界,以及建筑师在这个进程中所扮演的重要角色。他继续说道,毫无疑问,这些被赋予奖项的作品不仅仅是因为他们成就的文字、绘图以及模型,也因为他们揭示了建筑让日常生活更加美好。

Stephen Hodder, President of the RIBA, congratulated the winners saying that their “talent and hard work remind us all of the important part that architecture plays in creating a better world and the key role performed by the architect in the process.” He went on to say that “without a doubt, the projects deserve to be rewarded not only for their accomplished words, images and models, but also for revealing the intellectual and experiential dimension architecture brings to daily life.”


RIBA Silver Medal Winners and Commendations

RIBA银奖获得者:Nick Elias 巴特利特建筑学院。© RIBA

RIBA银奖获得者:Nick Elias 巴特利特建筑学院。© RIBA

银奖获得者:PoohTown / Nick Elias  伦敦大学巴特利特建筑学院

Silver Medal Winner: PoohTown / Nick Elias, Bartlett School of Architecture at UCL

RIBA银奖获得者:Nick Elias 巴特利特建筑学院。© RIBA

RIBA银奖获得者:Nick Elias 巴特利特建筑学院。© RIBA

RIBA银奖获得者:Nick Elias 巴特利特建筑学院。© RIBA


项目重构了在19世纪20年代战后英格兰小镇斯劳这个小镇所经历的工业发展和社会不平等,运用了经典小熊维尼故事的虚构场景,大大提升身处其中的人的幸福指数。在他的设计中, “Poohtown”, 取材自经典动画小熊维尼,小熊维尼变成了富有隐喻性质的主角,而“快乐经济”作为一种新兴的替代产业被植入到斯劳这个地方。在Elisas的手绘稿中,城市不再有工业扩张,而是充满了人们熟悉的动画角色和友好的建筑的乐园,其设计意图是关注和唤起人类情感。

     Nick Elias 由CJ Lim 和 Bernd Felsinger指导。

While revisiting Slough and the industrial growth and social inequality the town experienced during the 1920s – the decade when A. A. Milne’s Winnie the Pooh stories were first published and became popular for their accounts of a fictitious happy world – the project re-evaluates covert responses to socio-political exclusion. This is achieved by reinterpreting the underpinning state of contentment that typifies Milne’s protagonist in order to propose ‘happy’ architectures where residents can live, work and play together in a sustainable economic network. By doing so, PoohTown establishes the grounds for a subtle critique of today’s cities potential to prescribe policies of happiness alongside familiar amenities (a concept, in the author’s opinion, worryingly absent in current city planning) and alerts for the need to design for emotions as a way to find architecture’s purpose in a changing world.

Nick Elias was tutored by CJ Lim and Bernd Felsinger.

银奖推荐:Justin Cawley 悉尼大学© RIBA


银奖推荐:拯救濒临灭绝氛围的方舟/ Justin Cawley 悉尼大学

Silver Medal High Commendation: An Ark for Endangered Atmospheres / Justin Cawley, University of Sydney

银奖推荐:YannisHalkiopoulos 威斯特敏特大学© RIBA


银奖推荐:布鲁克林合作社/YannisHalkiopoulos 威斯特敏特大学

Silver Medal Commendation: Brooklyn Co-operative / YannisHalkiopoulos, University of Westminster

银奖推荐: Louis Sullivan 巴特利特建筑学院© RIBA


银奖推荐:宜居大坝/ Louis Sullivan 巴特利特建筑学院

Silver Medal Commendation: The Living Dam / Louis Sullivan, Bartlett School of Architecture

David Gloster——英国皇家建筑师协会教育主管
Roz Barr——Roz Barr建筑事务所,英国皇家建筑师协会教育副主席
Christopher Platt——麦金托什建筑学院教授兼院长

The jury for the Silver Medal comprised of:
•        David Gloster – RIBA Director of Education (chair)
•        Roz Barr – Roz Barr Architects, RIBA Vice-President Education
•        OdileDecq – Studio OdileDecq and Confluence: Institute for Innovation and Creative Strategies in Architecture
•        Christopher Platt - Head and Professor of Architecture at the Mackintosh School of Architecture, Glasgow
•        SmiljanRadić – Architect and Designer of the 2014 Serpentine Pavilion


RIBA Bronze Medal Winners and Commendations

铜奖获得者: Simon Dean 金斯顿大学© RIBA

铜奖获得者: Simon Dean 金斯顿大学© RIBA

铜奖获得者:1944流/ Simon Dean 金斯顿大学

Bronze Medal Winner: Flow, 1944 / Simon Dean, Kingston University

铜奖获得者: Simon Dean 金斯顿大学© RIBA

铜奖获得者: Simon Dean 金斯顿大学© RIBA




     Simon Dean 由 Jane Houghton 和Stephen Baty指导

On the surface, the project proposes a design for a bathhouse located on a quarry carved into the rock created by solidified lava that erupted from Mount Vesuvius in 1944. As it develops this idiosyncratic space of transience on a shunned landscape, Flow, 1944 highlights the importance of the notions of ephemerality and the passing of time in the formation of built environments as they are conceived by architects and inhabited by users, thus alerting for the role played by architecture in constructing historical layers of physical strata and collective meaning.

Simon Dean was tutored by Jane Houghton and Stephen Baty.

铜奖推荐奖:Samuel Little 伦敦城市大学© RIBA


铜奖推荐奖:城市构架:重新为莫普住宅拨款/ Samuel Little 伦敦城市大学

Bronze Medal Commendation: City Frame: The Reappropriation of Maple House / Samuel Little, London Metropolitan University

铜奖推荐奖: Emily Priest, 巴特利特建筑学院© RIBA


铜奖推荐奖:RongXhan 安全屋/Emily Priest, 巴特利特建筑学院

Bronze Medal Commendation: Rong Xhan Safehouse / Emily Priest, Bartlett School of Architecture

铜奖推荐奖: Ho Yeung (Howell) Tsang 香港大学© RIBA


铜奖推荐奖:城市生活变奏:香港住宅消失的遗产/ Ho Yeung (Howell) Tsang 香港大学

Bronze Medal Commendation: Urban Living Transition: Vanishing heritage of Hong Kong residence / Ho Yeung (Howell) Tsang, University of Hong Kong

David Gloster——英国皇家建筑师协会教育主管
Roz Barr——Roz Barr建筑事务所,英国皇家建筑师协会教育副主席
Paolo Desideri ——ABDR建筑事务所,罗马大学建筑系教授
Mary Duggan——Duggan Morris建筑事务所
Stephen Witherford——Witherford Watson Mann建筑事务所

The jury for the Bronze Medal comprised of:
•        David Gloster - RIBA Director of Education (chair)
•        Roz Barr - Roz Barr Architects, RIBA Vice-President Education
•        Paolo Desideri – ABDR ArchitettiAssociati and Professor of Architecture at University of Roma Tre, Italy
•        Mary Duggan – Duggan Morris Architects
•        Stephen Witherford – Witherford Watson Mann Architects

RIBA 学术论文奖及推荐奖

RIBA  Dissertation Medal Winners and High Commendations

RIBA学术论文奖:Jasper Ludewig 悉尼大学© RIBA

论文奖得主:人工场地:悉尼公园的空间变迁历史/ Jasper Ludewig 悉尼大学


     由Ross Anderson指导

Dissertation Medal Winner: Made Ground: A Spatial History of Sydney Park / Jasper Ludewig, University of Sydney

Each of Made Ground’s six essays discusses a series of practices, beliefs and tools in the historical production of Australia’s physical and social space to, ultimately, illustrate the postcolonial capacity of interpreting the texts and records of the past as a way of destabilising assumptions about Australia’s places of the present in which architects, planners, urban designers and artists intervene.

Produced under the supervision of Ross Anderson.

学术论文推荐奖:Ekaterina Tikhoniouk 都柏林大学© RIBA

学术论文推荐奖:有利于普通的娱乐场地:检验都柏林自由娱乐与娱乐场地的历史/ Ekaterina Tikhoniouk 都柏林大学

Dissertation Medal High Commendation: Towards a Common Ground for Play: Examining the history of play and playgrounds in Dublin’s Liberties / Ekaterina Tikhoniouk, University College Dublin

学术论文推荐奖:流亡的景观设计:19世纪70年代英国犹太建筑的特质/ Leon Fenster 巴特利特建筑学院© RIBA

学术论文推荐奖:流亡的景观设计:19世纪70年代英国犹太建筑的特质/ Leon Fenster 巴特利特建筑学院

Dissertation Medal Commendation: Exilic Landscapes: Synagogues and Jewish architectural identity in 1870s Britain / Leon Fenster, Bartlett School of Architecture

Dr. Alexandra Stara——金斯顿大学建筑历史及理论研究教授及读者
Professor Peter Carl ——伦敦城市大学建筑系教授及博士生院院长
Professor Gordana Fontana-Giusti——Kent大学建筑系教授及博士生院主任
Professor Florian Urban——麦金托什大学建筑学院教授及历史系系主任

The jury for the Dissertation Medal comprised of:
•        Dr. Alexandra Stara – Associate Professor and Reader in the History and Theory of Architecture at Kingston University London (chair)
•        Professor Peter Carl – Professor of Architecture and Leader of the PhD in Architecture at London Metropolitan University
•        Professor Gordana Fontana-Giusti – Professor of Architecture and Director of the PhD Programme at the University of Kent
•        Professor Florian Urban – Professor and Head of History of Architecture and Urban Studies at the Mackintosh School of Architecture, Glasgow School of Art


Serjeant Award for Excellence in Drawing (Part One Student)

萨金特优秀绘图奖(本科生):Oliver Riviere 布莱登大学 © RIBA



具象诗协会/ Oliver Riviere 布莱登大学

The Institute of Concrete Poetry / Oliver Riviere, University of Brighton


Serjeant Award for Excellence in Drawing (Part Two Student)

萨金特优秀绘图奖(研究生):Adam Bell 格林威治大学 © RIBA

修复英联邦俱乐部/ Adam Bell 格林威治大学

The Restored Commonwealth Club / Adam Bell, University of Greenwich




The UK office of Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM) also awarded the SOM Foundation UK Fellowships selected from this year’s entries for the RIBA President’s Medals:

SOM基金会奖学金(本科生):Kent Gin 东伦敦大学© RIBA

马德里的文化渗透,界定的瓦解/ Kent Gin 东伦敦大学

Cultural Perforation of Madrid, Disruption of the Defined / Kent Gin, University of East London

SOM基金会奖学金(本科生):Mike Lim 皇家艺术学院© RIBA

2014无题,混合媒体/ Mike Lim 皇家艺术学院

Untitled, 2014. Mixed Media / Mike Lim, Royal College of Art





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