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Station Axes Mechelen



In Mechelen, Belgium, a thorough renovation awaits the Stationsas (station axis) – the main route from the railway station to the Grote Markt. The city’s goal is was to transform the Stationsas into Flanders’ most open and comfortable public space that is prepared for the city′s future natural development.



According to the brief, the street – running from the classic urban expansion district into the heart of the medieval center – is to be transformed into the principal public spaces, the main shopping street, a thoroughfare for public transport all while being the greenest possible axis. Quite a challenge for a street that, in the present situation, begins as a main access road and is intersected by busy traffic routes at crucial locations.


设计中的车站轴线街区包括三条由窄至宽的街道和三个独具主题的广场。轴线上的灵动元素在于简约的材料和颜色,它们让广场构成统一却丰富的几何图案,同时也强调了街区的路线。广场的布局也为人们带来了丰富多彩的体验和氛围。从车站出发,首先是沿着对角线的KoningAlbertplein,去往Hendrik Consciencestraat。这个理想的漫步之地位于交叉路口,同时这里也是一个广场,浓荫笼罩着这片街区,周围遍布咖啡馆和零售店。参观者们前往Cardinal Mercierplein,在那里,修剪过的白蜡树有着规则的波状树冠,指引着大家来到广场的中心地带,行道树如同一道绿色的大门,继续向前延伸,而前方的路则带领人们进入古城的中心。

The proposed Stationsas includes three streets that range in width from narrow to wide, and three squares, each of which have their own features. The artery characteristic of the axis is underlined by a strong palette of straightforward materials and colors that weld the squares into a single, richly varied yet highly characteristic route. The layout of the squares, in turn, provides a rich variety of experiences and atmospheres. From the station, the route first traverses the KoningAlbertplein diagonally in the direction of the Hendrik Consciencestraat. This intersection is an ideal place to wander, it is a square covered with large-crowned trees and lined with cafes and retail spaces. Visitors continue and arrive at the Cardinal Mercierplein, where the bobbing crowns of pruned lime trees escort them to the Vesten. The Vesten trees reach deep into the heart of the square and form a green gate by which the route enters Mechelen’s ancient city center.


穿过宽敞的Graaf van Egmontstraat购物街,人们会途经Vijfhoek广场。广场的滨水滨水,沿着Dijle河岸配有舒适的座位,人们还能欣赏到河对岸的植物园景色。在大桥对面,是一条中世纪的历史街区,一条舒适的购物街隐藏在绿色的浓荫之中。就在集市前侧有着舒适的小广场,旁边是大型连锁商店。


Through the Graaf van Egmontstraat, a spacious shopping street, the route passes Vijfhoek, a small square with steps leading down to the water and pleasant seating on the river Dijle. The view across the river is to the botanical gardens. Across the bridge, the Bruul is a medieval street turned comfortable shopping street, with the addition of trees and a narrower profile. Just before the Grote Markt lies the Botermarkt where the Tilia creates a pleasant little square near the large retail chain stores.
A bit further on lies the Coolvliet: one of the historic streams that still hides under the street′s surface. The regeneration of the Coolvliet has made it a pleasant urban stream, flanked by plenty of seating for people taking a break or meeting in the city center



草案竞选时间: 2012年
项目委托方:(Nederlands) GemeenteMechelen

Location: Stationsstraat, Mechelen, Belgium
(Nederlands) schetsontwerp: inzending Open Oproep 2012
Client: (Nederlands) GemeenteMechelen




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