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© Hiroyuki Oki

光与影的几何图案:7 个穿孔表皮案例
Geometric Patterns of Light and Shadow: 7 Projects With Perforated Skins



Although an architectural project comes to life with palpable materials, it is also defined by intangible qualities that give it richness, dynamism, and liveliness. Among them, the interplay of light and shadow can transform environments and affect their perception, determining the user's spatial experience. Besides providing natural ventilation, privacy, and thermal comfort, lattices allow this duality by filtering the entry of sunlight while projecting repetitive figures on the surface. In this way, perforated walls and ceilings can create multiple geometric patterns of light and shadow that become design elements capable of generating unique atmospheres.

© Hiroyuki Oki


为了探索其中的一些可能性,我们将介绍 7 个案例,这些项目通过几何图形的材料和技术,创造了非凡的光影几何图形。

Therefore, beyond their functionality, perforated skins also gain a decorative and aesthetic value defined by unlimited design possibilities. Through a wide range of materials and fabrication methods – traditional or digital –, countless shapes, patterns and colors can be achieved.
To explore some of them, we present 7 projects that create remarkable geometries of light and shadow – along with the materials and techniques that make them possible.


在迪拜设计周,这个装置提供了一个不受阳光照射的沉浸式环境。设计概念由Fibracolour 提出,结构的两层表皮分别是高抗性和颜料中密度纤维板。在这两层结构中,木板上都有穿孔,孔洞的几何形状各不相同,他的灵感来自阿联酋,邀请参观者探索光与影之间的互动。利用数字激光切割技术,可以在木材上进行这种类型的穿孔,从而在设计过程中实现高精度和创造性的灵活性。

Wood: UMBRA Installation / TINKAH
In the context of Dubai Design Week, the facility offers an immersive environment protected from the sun. The concept was developed with Fibracolour, highly resistant and pigmented MDF panels that were used for the structure's two skins. In both, the wood is perforated with different geometric shapes inspired by the Emirates, inviting the audience to explore the interaction between light and shadow. With digital laser cutting technologies, it is possible to execute these types of perforations in wood, allowing high precision and creative flexibility during the design process.

© Oculis

© Oculis

砖块: Termitary 住宅 / 热带空间

在 Termitary 住宅中,砖块在某些部分相互分离,使光线和微风可以进入室内空间的每个角落。除了在夏季可以为房屋降温外,这些开口还通过矩形光影赋予了住宅表面生命力,使其在一天中呈现出不同的色调。天黑之后,住宅就会变成一个巨大的穿孔灯笼。在这种情况下,图案通过水泥或聚氨酯粘合剂将砖块重叠的传统技术而实现,每块砖的位置都决定了采光口的大小和形状。

Brick: Termitary House / Tropical Space
In the Termitary House, the bricks are separated from each other in some sections to enable the entrance of light and breeze in every corner of the interior space. In addition to cooling the house during summer months, the openings give life to the surface through rectangular shapes of light and shadow that adopt different shades throughout the day. Then, as soon as it gets dark, the house transforms into a giant perforated lantern. In this case, the pattern is achieved with the traditional technique of overlapping bricks with cement or polyurethane adhesives, where the positioning of of each brick determines the size and shape of the light openings.

© Hiroyuki Oki

© Hiroyuki Oki

纤维水泥: Shibori办公室 / The Grid建筑师事务所

受到Shibori 以圆形为特点的日本染色技术的启发,这个建筑的外墙由带有圆形穿孔的纤维水泥板制成。穿孔的位置很有讲究:最大的在底部,最小的在顶部,这样就能以一种戏剧性的可控方式让光线进入。空间体验建立在光与影的积极互动上,从而提高了工作效率。除了圆形之外,还可以通过水刀切割机或数控系统等创新技术,在纤维水泥板上打出各种形状的孔。

Fiber cement: Shibori Office / The Grid Architects
Inspired by Shibori, a Japanese dyeing technique characterized by circular shapes, the building's envelope is made of fiber cement boards with perforated circles. The location of the holes is strategic; the largest are at the bottom and the smallest at the top, allowing light to enter in a dramatic and controlled way. Thus, the spatial experience is based on an active interplay of light and shadow that encourages productivity. In addition to circles, fiber cement boards can be perforated with all kinds of shapes with innovative technologies such as waterjet cutting machines or CNC systems.

© Panjwani Vinay

© Panjwani Vinay

陶土:The Lantern / VTN 建筑事务所


Terracotta: The Lantern / VTN Architects
The art gallery and showroom incorporates a perforated terracotta facade, conveying a simple yet striking visual impact. Besides fulfilling a key role in thermal performance, the openings energize the space with a repetitive floral pattern of light and shadow. While during the day the shadows are projected towards the interior, at night the building shines like a lantern in the middle of the city. Even though the geometric possibilities of these blocks can be diverse, they ultimately depend on the shape of the utilized mold.

© Hiroyuki Oki

© Hiroyuki Oki

金属材料:Ali Mohammed T. Al-Ghanim 诊所 / AGi 建筑事务所


Metal: Ali Mohammed T. Al-Ghanim Clinic / AGi architects
The clinic is organized around a series of courtyards that provide lighting, ventilation, and privacy. Towards the exterior, these are surrounded with a contemporary lattice wall formed by the repetition of perforated anodized metal modules – which represent the cultural identity of the place through their light and shadow geometric patterns. By working with digital designs, CNC laser technology allows for an unlimited variety of these precise perforations in metal panels.

© Nelson Garrido

© Nelson Garrido

混凝土: Mashrabiya清真寺 / NUDES – Nuru Karim


Concrete: Mashrabiya Mosque / NUDES – Nuru Karim
Inspired by the mashrabiya, a perforated architectural element commonly used in traditional Arab homes, the mosque explores islamic geometric patterns in its outer skin. Apart from protecting the building from heat, the envelope generates unique patterns of light and shadow, creating a comforting atmosphere ideal for spirituality and contemplation. For its manufacture, the mashrabiya is cast in glass-reinforced concrete, which allows this variety of shapes.

© Sameer Chawda

© Sameer Chawda

粘土板: Iguana之家 / OBRA BLANCA


Clay slabs: Iguana House / OBRA BLANCA
The single-family house is essentially made from three volumes that are connected with a lattice wall bridge. The lattice is formed using thin clay slabs that, similar to a tower of cards, are placed one on top of the other in a triangular manner. Besides their thermal function, the openings create a pattern of geometric lights and shadows that travel through the space while materializing the passage of time. With the traditional superposition technique, the slabs support each other as they are unified with cement, making this type of perforated wall possible.

© Documentación Arquitectónica - Adrián Llaguno

© Documentación Arquitectónica - Adrián Llaguno

© Diana Arnau

© Felipe Araujo

© Jaime Navarro Soto

© Nigel Young

© Hiroyuki Oki




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