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Civitas 和 Stantec在安大略省伦敦市 ‘重回故河’设计竞赛中获胜第1张图片

Civitas and Stantec win ‘Back to the River’ design competition in London, Ontario


以丹佛为总部的景观建筑和城市规划设计公司Civitas与加拿大规划、设计和工程公司Stantec Consulting联手,赢得安大略省伦敦市“重回故河”设计竞赛。“这是一项转型、改革和城市建筑创新”安大略省伦敦市市长Matt Brown说。“它重新连接了城市中心重要财富。现在我们把目光转到执行和落实上。”

这座城市将该竞赛作为在国际范围内寻求环境可持续性、经济发展和社区/休闲空间平衡的设计方案的手段。Civitas 和 Stantec合作团队的获奖作品名为‘泰晤士河的纽带’,展现从伦敦市中心的居民聚集区通向泰晤士河延绵5英里辐射范围的新交通系统,突出四季主题并重新活化自然环境。

“泰晤士河是一条美丽的河流,然而,你不能真正接触到它,”Civitas的景观设计师Heath Mizer说“在设计过程中我们已经明确我们需要在河边给人们提供一个得以感受泰晤士河之美的设施,这是为期20年的河畔走廊规划一期的首要考虑。”

Civitas 和 Stantec之外,项目的设计团队还囊括了Montgomery Sisam事务所、Blackwell Bowick工程公司、Two Twelve, Mike Baker 和 Tillet 照明设计公司。团队将获得伦敦市泰晤士河口建设项目的委托合同。

“分岔口是伦敦市的诞生地,还有什么更好的地方可以连接市中心和泰晤士河并纪念该遗产?各式空间体验将可容纳大型活动,并给在伦敦生活和工作的人们提供舒适的日常交流。” Mizer阐释道“我们的项目将塑造一个城市景点,让伦敦市民再一次亲近母亲河。”


新闻编辑:Nick Myall

Denver-based landscape architecture and urban design firm Civitas, in collaboration with Canadian planning, design and engineering firm Stantec Consulting, has been announced winner of London, Ontario’s ‘Back to the River’ design competition. “This is a transformational, game-changing, city-building initiative,” says London, Ontario’s Mayor Matt Brown. “It’s about reconnecting to an asset we have at the heart of downtown. Now we can focus on execution and do this right.”
The city presented the competition as an international search for designs that would strike a balance between environmental sustainability, economic development and community/recreational space. Titled ‘The Ribbon of the Thames,’ the winning design from the Civitas and Stantec team features renewed access for a 5km stretch of the Thames River radiating from central forks at the heart of London and stressing active four-season engagement and revitalized natural habitat.
“The Thames is such a beautiful river; however, you can’t really access it,” says Civitas landscape architect Heath Mizer. “It was clear early in the design process that we need to provide a setting at the river’s edge for people to experience the beauty of the Thames as a priority in phase one of the 20-year river corridor plan.”
In addition to Civitas and Stantec, the design team for the project includes Montgomery Sisam Architects, Blackwell Bowick Engineering, Two Twelve, Mike Baker and Tillet Lighting Design. The team will be awarded a design contract with the City of London for an inaugural project at the Forks of the Thames.
“The Forks is the historical birthplace of London, so what better place to reconnect downtown with the Thames and celebrate its heritage? A variety of spatial experiences will accommodate large events and also provide comfortable daily encounters for the people who live and work in London,” explains Mizer. “Our design will become a civic destination where Londoners can engage with their river again.”
The Back to the River competition was narrowed to a shortlist of five teams in July, with presentations submitted before a selection panel of judges in October and the Civitas/Stantec team announced as winner on November 2, 2015. Civitas is known for creating such successful completed waterfront projects as the Port of San Diego’s North Embarcadero and Calgary, Alberta’s recently opened St. Patrick’s Island.
WAN Business Information project leads service published this competition 11 May 2015. Click here to view the full brief. To try the service - email our team.

Nick Myall
News Editor





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