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波尔图地铁站 / Eduardo Souto de Moura第1张图片




From the architect. The surface light rail glides smoothly to the surface on two lanes of steel, without making much noise.
The implementation of the rails is imposed by a quota system, according to strict rules, with no room for subjective considerations.

波尔图地铁站 / Eduardo Souto de Moura第2张图片
© Luis Ferreira Alves

波尔图地铁站 / Eduardo Souto de Moura第3张图片
© Luis Ferreira Alves

钢轨必须嵌入街道(在紧急情况下,消防员必须能够通过) 。材料可以从花岗岩块、沥青垫和人造草毯之间选择。


Steel rails must be incorporated into the streets (in an emergency, firefighters must be able to pass). Materials can range from granite cubes, asphalt mat or grass carpet.
For acoustic reasons, the rails are supported on a floating slab, padded with foam rubber, which receives the steel parts.

波尔图地铁站 / Eduardo Souto de Moura第4张图片
© Luis Ferreira Alves


随着这个20 ×20米的多通道地铁系统一同兴建的还包括新的污水、雨水、燃气、电力、电话、有线电视、光纤和部分管道设备。

The implementation of this system requires the demolition of the streets and, consequently, the entire infrastructure.
New sewerage, storm water, gas, electricity, telephone, cable TV, fiber optics and sometimes piping, have to live with the Metro system to be built - multi-tube boxes of 20 x 20 meters.

波尔图地铁站 / Eduardo Souto de Moura第5张图片
© Luis Ferreira Alves



But the problem of the metro on the surface, is not only the surface, we must look to the sky, airlines and lighting. These can be suspended from a central "post" or two side posts.
When the width of the street does not allow the system, airlines are suspended by wires from façade to façade.

波尔图地铁站 / Eduardo Souto de Moura第6张图片
© Luis Ferreira Alves

问题通常是选“ NUAGE ”玻璃墙幕还是7厘米厚的砖墙。


The problem is usually the "NUAGE" glass facades or brick of 7 cm on the outer wall.
We work from center to center (the metro channel is always inflexible) and the remainder is distributed to other vehicles parked where appropriate, and routes to reach the thresholds.

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Site Plan/总平面图

设计师们可以转换材料,修改坡度,但出口是“神圣的” ,就像在一个陌生人的肩膀上玩。


We can make transitions of materials, changes in slope, but the thresholds are "sacred", like playing on the shoulder of a stranger.
From shoulder to shoulder we exchange flooring, textures, walks, guides, anti-guides, light poles, trees. It's not that we want to change the geography, but the "Metro forces".

波尔图地铁站 / Eduardo Souto de Moura第8张图片
© Luis Ferreira Alves


批准“执行”后,众多街道开始出现,它们相交或扩建,产生了环岛、广场、保留地块、小广场,带树木的广场、停车场以及“林荫大道” - 共和大道:盖亚/马托西纽什。

When there are difficulties, we use the "Transmetro" the "Normetro" which in turn communicates with the metro, the Chamber, the parish council, residents and merchants.
After being approved "for execution", the streets that intersect and expand yielding roundabouts, squares, left places, small squares, squares with trees, parking and, why not, "Boulevards" - Avenida da República: Gaia / Matosinhos begin to emerge.

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Ground Floor Plan/首层平面图

如果不将这些作为我们的使命,地铁塑造起众多场地、角落、组合城市,形成像盖亚、波尔图、马托西纽什、马亚、特罗法、Vila do Conde,Povoa de Varzim,贡多马尔等这样的大都市。


Without this as our vocation, the Metro builds places, nooks, combinations cities, it draws the Metropolis - Gaia, Porto, Matosinhos, Maia, Trofa, Vila do Conde, Povoa de Varzim, Gondomar and more.
Cities do not change by political decree, but by the appearance of the systems necessary for their survival and development.

波尔图地铁站 / Eduardo Souto de Moura第10张图片
© Luis Ferreira Alves

因此罗马人在两条相交的道路上设计出Cardus和Decomanus ,在其中央是花坛。


So it was with the Romans, on two routes that crossed, they designed the Cardus and Decomanus, and in the center, the Forum.
So it was in the Middle Ages, the Forum was the Cathedral Square, built with the stones of the demolished temple.

波尔图地铁站 / Eduardo Souto de Moura第11张图片
© Luis Ferreira Alves

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It was so in the Baroque, with the design of radiocentric axes, this Cathedral was linked to the doors of the Wall.
It was so in the Neo-Classic, gates were demolished or redesigned and expanded for linking the roads and became squares surrounded by convents.

波尔图地铁站 / Eduardo Souto de Moura第13张图片
© Luis Ferreira Alves

项目的铁道也充满着典型的十九世纪风格,有的修道院改成了地铁站(圣贝尼托) 。


It was so in the nineteenth century with the railway, some convents became stations (San Benito).
It was so in the twentieth century, with the light rail (Matosinhos / Trinidad).

波尔图地铁站 / Eduardo Souto de Moura第14张图片
© Luis Ferreira Alves


“国家小,且我们力量单薄...... ” (何塞•卡多佐皮雷) ,但我想我们一定会成功。

It will be so in the twenty-first century in which the light rail must be integrated into a planned system for new geography (quite improvised) that cannot be postponed.
"The country is small and we are few ..." (Jose Cardoso Pires), but I think we will succeed.

波尔图地铁站 / Eduardo Souto de Moura第15张图片
© Luis Ferreira Alves

波尔图地铁站 / Eduardo Souto de Moura第16张图片
© Luis Ferreira Alves

波尔图地铁站 / Eduardo Souto de Moura第17张图片
© Luis Ferreira Alves

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© Luis Ferreira Alves

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Upper Level Floor Plan/上层平面图

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Roof Plan/屋顶平面图

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North Facade/北立面

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South façade/南立面

波尔图地铁站 / Eduardo Souto de Moura第26张图片
East façade/东立面

建筑设计:Eduardo Souto de Moura
地点:葡萄牙 波尔图
协作:Arq. Adriano Pimenta
摄影:Luis Ferreira Alves
合作:Arq. André Campos, Arq. Ricardo Tedim, Arq. Eduardo Carrilho, Arq. Joana Pinho, José Carlos Mariano, Arq. Bernardo Durão, Arq. Diogo Crespo, Arq. Manuel Pais Vieira, Arq. Nuno Flores, Arq. Nuno Lopes, Arq. Tiago Coelho, Arq. Tiago Figueiredo, Arq. Eduardo Pereira, Pedro Chimeno Soares da Costa – Gabinete de Projectos
结构设计:CENOR – Projectos de Engenharia, Lda.; COBA – Consultores para Obras, Barragens e Planeamento, S.A.; CJC – Engenharia e Projectos, Lda.; VIA PONTE – Projectos e Consultoria de Engenharia, Lda.
排水道设计:FASE – Estudos e Projectos, S.A.
施工:Normetro ACE
土建施工:Transmetro (Soares da Costa, Somague, Impregilo)
机电:Balfour Beatty Rail
标志:Bombardier Transportation

Architects: Eduardo Souto de Moura
Location: Porto, Portugal
Coordinator: Arq. Adriano Pimenta
Project Year: 2005
Photographs: Luis Ferreira Alves
Collaborators: Arq. André Campos, Arq. Ricardo Tedim, Arq. Eduardo Carrilho, Arq. Joana Pinho, José Carlos Mariano, Arq. Bernardo Durão, Arq. Diogo Crespo, Arq. Manuel Pais Vieira, Arq. Nuno Flores, Arq. Nuno Lopes, Arq. Tiago Coelho, Arq. Tiago Figueiredo, Arq. Eduardo Pereira, Pedro Chimeno Soares da Costa – Gabinete de Projectos
Structures: CENOR – Projectos de Engenharia, Lda.; COBA – Consultores para Obras, Barragens e Planeamento, S.A.; CJC – Engenharia e Projectos, Lda.; VIA PONTE – Projectos e Consultoria de Engenharia, Lda.
Hydraulics: FASE – Estudos e Projectos, S.A.
Construction: Normetro ACE
Civil Construction: Transmetro (Soares da Costa, Somague, Impregilo)
Electromechanical: Balfour Beatty Rail
Signage: Bombardier Transportation
Maintenance: Transdev
Engineering: Semaly





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Eduardo Souto de Moura (7 articles)

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